Shiv Sena on Tuesday said in party’s editorial Saamana that people of the country have the right to know about the casualties in the Indian Air Force’ Air Strikes on terror camps of Jaish-e-Mohammed in Pakistan.
Opposition parties are also asking similar questions to Bharatiya Janta Party led NDA government to reveal the number of terrorists killed in the Air Strikes which taken placed on Februray 26.
Indian forces have conducted this operation almost 12 days after Pulwama terror attack in which forty CRPF soldiers were killed.
“The question that how many terrorists were killed in the airstrikes is not just being asked by the political opponents of Modi. The media of England, USA, etc too have raised this question. Citizens of the country have the right to know what and how much harm has been caused to the enemy by the defence forces. We do not think the morale of our forces is being lowered by asking for it,” Shiv Sena asked in Saamana.
"How many terrorists were killed in our strikes on terror camps? Discussions over these will happen till the last days of polls because before the Pulwama attack, inflation, unemployment and Rafale jet deal were the burning issues for the Opposition."
It also added that issues like Ram temple in Ayodhya, repealing of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir and the agrarian crisis have been sidelined after India-Pakistan rising tension.
Meanwhile, BJP President Amit Shah said that over 250 terrorists were killed in the airstrike.
However, on Monday, Indian Air Force head Air Chief Marshal B S Dhanoa said the India Air Force doesn’t count human casualties and counts whether targets were hit or not.
By sai kumar