Search Results On parliament sessions (Page 1 of 4)

parliament sessions (Page 1 of 4)

  • Manipur Violence controversy, Manipur Violence controversy, manipur violence guilty will not be spared narendra modi, Parliament sessions

    Manipur Violence: Guilty Will Not Be Spared: Narendra Modi 2023-07-21 14:20:26

    Manipur violence started between communities over the order to grant Scheduled Tribe (ST) status to the Meitei Community on April 19th. July 20th, which is nearly 3 months after the outburst, the violence still continues in Manipur. The people of...

    Keywords: Manipur Violence, Manipur Violence videos, Manipur Violence visuals, Manipur Violence accused

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    5 days parliament session, Chandrayaan 3 success, special parliament session on september 18th 2023, Parliament sessions

    Special Parliament Session on September 18th, 2023 2023-09-01 13:53:07

    There is strong speculation that the government is planning to organise a 5-day special parliament session from September 18th to 22nd in the new parliament building. The central government is yet to release the agenda of the parliament sessions and...

    Keywords: 5 days parliament session, Chandrayaan 3 success, PArliament new building, 5 days parliament session

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    Narendra Modi Council, Narendra Modi latest, narendra modi s council of ministers takes oath in parliament, Parliament sessions

    Narendra Modi's Council Of Ministers Takes Oath in Parliament 2024-06-24 07:24:44

    The opening of the new Parliament session is underway, with the recently elected members, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, taking their oaths. Bhartruhari Mahtab, a BJP MP, was the first to be sworn in as the Pro-Tem Speaker by President...

    Keywords: Narendra Modi latest, Parliament sessions breaking, Parliament sessions, Parliament sessions

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    India name change, BJP-Congress, india s name to be replaced with bharat, Parliament sessions

    India's name to be replaced with Bharat? 2023-09-06 08:12:33

    Article 1 of the Constitution uses two names, India, that was Bharat, shall be a union of states. But now there is strong speculation that the country name India will be changed to Bharat. Even the Reserve Bank of India...

    Keywords: president of Bharat, India to Bharat, G20 dinner invitations, BJP for country name change

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    New Parliament latest, New Parliament India, parliament sessions commence in new premises, Parliament sessions

    Parliament Sessions commence in new Premises 2023-09-19 10:25:36

    In a historic move, the new Parliament building got inaugurated and the sessions started in the new premises today. A function took place after a photo session in the Central Hall. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi started the session with...

    Keywords: New Parliament breaking updates, New Parliament, New Parliament inauguration, New Parliament videos

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    Congress, Nana Patole, mumbai to be declared as union territory, Parliament sessions

    Mumbai To Be Declared As Union Territory? 2023-09-14 07:13:47

    On Monday, Maharashtra Congress chief Nana Patole alleged that the NDA government led by Narendra Modi is planning to separate Mumbai from Maharashtra and alleged that they have an agenda for the upcoming Parliament session of Mumbai as a Union...

    Keywords: Mumbai - Special Parliament sessions, Mumbai - Union Territory, Special Parliament sessions agenda, Mumbai updates

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