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scents (Page 1 of 4)

  • Kashmir Tulip garden 2023, Kashmir Tulip garden 2023, record number of tourists to kashmir this year, Scents

    Record number of tourists to Kashmir this year 2024-04-25 15:22:07

    As the authorities made the decision to close Kashmir's famous Tulip garden for the season starting on Thursday, there has been a significant increase in the number of tourists. This year, the garden experienced a record-breaking footfall of 4.35 lakh...

    Keywords: Kashmir Tulip garden news, Kashmir Tulip garden visitors, Kashmir Tulip garden, Kashmir Tulip garden news

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    Obesity in Children medicines, Obesity in Children new breaking, tips to manage obesity in children, Scents

    Tips to manage Obesity in Children 2024-08-10 12:28:35

    Childhood obesity is a global problem that has multiple impacts now and in the future. According to a March 2024 report from the World Health Organization, "by 2022, more than 390 million children and adolescents aged 5 to 19 years...

    Keywords: Obesity in Children news, Obesity in Children, Obesity in Children news, Obesity in Children disadvantages

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    Covaxin impact, Covaxin breaking, covaxin takers too suffered from health issues after 1 year, Scents

    Covaxin takers too suffered from health issues after 1 year 2024-05-17 10:48:52

    A team of BHU researchers conducted a one-year follow-up study on Bharat Biotech's Covaxin and found that almost one-third of the participants reported adverse events of special interest (AESI). Additionally, nearly half of the 926 participants complained of infections, mainly...

    Keywords: Covaxin health impact, Covaxin side effects, Covaxin new breaking, Covaxin side effects

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    Covaxin in teens, Covaxin latest breaking, covaxin infected 50 percent of the teens, Scents

    Covaxin infected 50 percent of the Teens 2024-05-24 07:51:56

    A study conducted by Upinder Kaur and her team of 11 researchers from Banaras Hindu University has revealed that almost half of the adolescents who received Bharat Biotech's Covaxin vaccine reported infections, primarily upper respiratory tract infections, within a year...

    Keywords: Covaxin in teens, Covaxin impact, Covaxin impact on teens, Covaxin latest

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    Heart Stroke warning signs research, Heart Stroke warning signs latest breaking, silent warning signs of stroke you shouldn t ignore, Scents

    Silent warning signs of Stroke you shouldn’t Ignore 2024-12-17 15:08:31

    Recently, young people in their 20s and 30s are suffering from strokes (a disease that often affects older people). An unhealthy lifestyle, chronic stress and the increasing prevalence of diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes among young people...

    Keywords: Heart Stroke warning signs, Heart Stroke, Heart Stroke warning signs research, Heart Stroke warning signs medication

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    Self Love articles, Self Love ideas, 51 me time ideas much needed self love, Scents

    51 Me Time Ideas: Much Needed Self Love 2024-06-05 15:11:45

    In today’s interconnected world, finding oneself is the biggest task. Pampering yourself with some joyful moments will increase happiness and will increase chemicals like endorphins. Even having a cup of tea is a joyful moment for some people. Self-love will...

    Keywords: Self Love latest breaking, Self Love new breaking, Self Love latest breaking, Self Love

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