(Image source from: Save your heart with these healthy foods})
Heart diseases and stroke are the biggest problems world wide. The major factor that impairs heart health is obesity caused due to abnormal and excess fat accumulation. Overweight and heart diseases are directly proportional to each other. This is because, overweight or obesity is associated with high triglyceride levels, increased bad cholesterol levels and lessened good cholesterol levels. However, the easiest way to decrease the risk of heart diseases or stoke is to choose a healthy diet and include exercise in your daily routine. Don’t delay to change your diet and lifestyle to save your health.
Fruits and Vegetables - important for heart
To follow a healthy eating plan, it is very important to add fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. They are low in calories and fat, at the same time high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. By consuming a variety of vegetables and fruits, you would be able to keep your heart safe by controlling your blood pressures and body weight.
Nuts and seeds - nourish your heart
Include nuts and seeds in your healthy diet to secure your heart. Nuts are loaded with unsaturated fatty acids and other vital nutrients, which are good for heart besides serving as a healthy snack. Eating nuts daily means that you are following a heart healthy diet.
Dairy products with low fat - good for heart
Dairy products with low fat are associated with lessened risk to your heart. Fermented milk products like cheese and yogurt show a protective effect on the heart. As per the research, daily consumption of dairy products is linked to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke by 12% and 13% respectively.
Soya and soya products - aids your heart
To work out a healthy heart diet, it is vital to include soya products. Studies have shown that increased consumption of soya and soya products lowered bad cholesterol besides providing other cardiovascular benefits. Isoflavones in soya help in preventing blockage of arteries at the same time improving cholesterol profile.
Fatty fish, Tea - saves your heart
Replace your non-vegetarian items with fatty fish in your diet to improve your heart health. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish, hugely help in increasing good cholesterol levels. If you want to lower total cholesterol and increase good cholesterol it is a good idea to have a cup of tea (especially green tea) daily, which is rich in anti-oxidants.
Besides including these foods in some way or the other in your daily diet, take out time for moderate physical activities like jogging, brisk walking, swimming, cycling etc. for 30 to 45 minutes a day. Love your heart and keep it safe.
- Sumana