Stress Relief from Laughter- Not a JokeStress

December 23, 2019 17:50
Stress Relief from Laughter- Not a Joke

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A day with no laughter is a day wasted. The most powerful medicine and is free of cost is being ignored. A genuine laugh with a friend or co-worker can brighten your day no matter how low you feel. Five out of the numerous benefits of laughter are being listed below:

1. Stimulates your body

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Feeling sleepy and exhausted at work? A laugh gives you a wake up call and keeps you energized as it boosts your oxygen intake and release endorphins which is a feel-good hormones which makes you feel happy.

2. Increases your immunity

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The immunity in your body gets reduced as the negative stress causes chemical reactions in your body. This makes you fall sick very often. A genuine heart-full laugh boosts up your immune system with disease-fighting powers which helps in increasing your immune system and helps you stay healthy and energetic.

3. Promotes heart health

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Laughter improves blood flow and reduces blood pressure which helps you in reducing a stoke or heart attack

4. Helps you stress less

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Ever feel stressed at work or during day so as to curl up to yourself and cry? Start laughing instead as it helps you in relieving stress and makes you feel lighter with a positive attitude.

5. Burns calories

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Laughter adds up a little to your fitness plan. The more you laugh, the more your heart rate and calories expenditure increases and results in about 10-40 calories being burnt over 15 minutes of laughter says a study by the International Journal of Obesity.

By Shrithika Kushangi

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laughter  heart health  immunity  calories  stress